A laugh a day keeps that Christmas stress at bay!

Ah the joy of all that extra Christmas ironing!

Well we´re half-way there! Only 13 days till Christmas Day! My advice if you´re panicking? Give yourself and those around you the best anti-stress medicine of all – a daily dose of laughter!

As I recounted in my daily “Xmas Zen Zap” video this morning – I was reminded of the importance of laughter as the ultimate Christmas stress-buster – when I woke up and promptly closed my eyes again at the thought of how despite being delighted that both my boys are now home for the Christmas break, the social events I can’t or don’t want to get out of are piling up, in tandem with my piles of ironing, etc, etc.  And while surfing on that monumental wave of momentary “how am I going to cope” panic, my thoughts were interrupted by an insistent scratching at my bedroom door…

I opened it to find my old dog Twizzle looking up at me expectantly, tail a-wagging,  with one of my collection of hats I’ve been wearing every day on my “25 ways in 25 days to Stay Cool, Calm and Connected” Christmas videos,  clamped firmly in his now nearly toothless mouth.

The instant invigorating effect this comical sight had on me, as I burst out laughing, reminded me that sometimes we just take ourselves too seriously and that if we can only approach life with more laughter in our hearts – and yes, through the joyfully uncomplicated eyes of a dog – or those of our inner child –  things just become so much easier. This is, after all, meant to be the season of joy – so let’s just allow ourselves to enjoy it.

In my video today, I set you the simple challenge of setting out every day in the lead up to Christmas day and finding a way to inject some fun into the proceedings.  Spend time with good friends, laugh with your kids, go and watch a funny film or share a joke – connect with your inner joyful child and spread a little bit of Christmas cheer wherever you go!

“Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand” Mark Twain once said.

“Not even the additional stresses of Christmas!” I would add, after sailing through my day on that initial high of laughter my dog gifted me this morning.  I’ve got masses done – all while resolutely wearing one of my hats – much to the bemused amusement of my sons who have been following me round photographing this phenomenon and to the joyous delight of my dogs.

So how have you made others laugh today –  and what´s made you laugh so far this Christmas?

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